
Sam Harris and Yuval Noah Harari Are Wrong About Palestine

Defenders of Zionism are defending a project of inevitable ethnic cleansing.

Apartheid states and their apologists have a mortal fear of those they oppress and so they find any excuse to treat them as irrational monsters. So long as Western crimes are inflicted upon the peoples of the Middle East, religion or no, the West will remain a target. Sam Harris does not recognize that the violence we give to the Muslim world is the very thing which exacerbates extremism, fundamentalism, and bloodlust. He always points the finger at somebody else. It is the poison of violence that distorts society and rends human bonds, exacerbating the cycle of brutalization. Harris lives in a magical world where, with the abolition of religion, Western states will be free to violently impose their will upon the peoples of the earth without fear of reactionary violence. Harris, lacking a deep understanding of the complex political and cultural history of the Middle East, made the galling claim that the West was ordained by virtue of its “values” to control the fates of millions of Muslims. It is not sufficient to ignore those such as Harris (as much as I would like to). Their misguided ideas have much purchase in the West. They must be brought to feel ignominious for their imperialist apologetics and must remain silent on matters of grave importance which they know nothing about.

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