They Will Not Return And when I saw the white blazes raining down covering over the lily fields of Victoria and Ellsburg, when the flaming figures danced with each other and fell down in the grass razor sharp and tall, I knew then that they would not return, "the company men drew us, many others from all over, they promised steady work, but flexible, you could come and go as needed." they will not return those great figures of presentiquity of common homes and common thoughts and common dreams, they will not return to us Amy and Richard and John daughter and son and father, husband the ones who saw another world who believed in kinship beyond oceans and marched in Spanish battalions of spirits and love, who ate brisket and tidied their rooms and swept clean the wooden porch, they will not return and the others are following too Amy pulled on my skirt, said “Mom, hold me,” her fingers were colored grey, her eyes were running, I lifted her up.
Glad to have stumbled across this through Freddie DeBoer's subscriber writing. Loved it.
Thank you thank you!